Located in Waverly, just 5 minutes from Lincoln!
Located in Waverly, just 5 minutes from Lincoln!
Advanced Surgeries
Advanced Surgeries
Not all veterinarians enjoy surgery... and not all learn to do more advanced procedures.
Dr. Klone enjoys learning to do more! Below are some of the specialty procedures she is comfortable performing.
Advanced procedures are usually kept overnight for pain control and monitoring. CRI (constant rate infusion) pain relief is utilized to minimize your pet's pain and discomfort, when indicated (most orthopedic procedures).
Cruciate (knee) Repair
Cruciate (knee) Repair
Cruciate ruptures are quite common among dogs, especially in certain breeds. Repair of the ruptured ligament is different in dogs than people due to the dynamics of the knee joint in people that walk on two legs versus dogs on all four.
Dr. Klone is confident in extra-capsular repairs for small breed dogs and cats, and in the MMP (Modified Maquet Procedure) for large breed dogs.
The MMP has proven to be an excellent alternative to other geometric repair techniques (TPLO, TTA) with less pain and quicker return to function.
Recovery is 8-12 weeks to full function.
Luxating Patella Repair
Luxating Patella Repair
Luxating patellas (loose kneecaps) are common in small breed dogs. They often cause intermittent lameness or a 'skipping' action when running.
Some do not require repair, but those that do are significantly improved after surgery. The instability in the knee joint with a luxating patella puts the joint at greater risk for cruciate rupture, also. Both conditions can be repaired at the same time, if indicated.
Recovery is 6-8 weeks to full function.
Femoral Head & Neck Ostectomy (FHO)
Femoral Head & Neck Ostectomy (FHO)
This procedure is recommended for treatment of capital physeal fractures (Legg-Calve-Perthes disease), hip luxations that cannot be permanently reduced, and as a salvage procedure in cases of severe hip dysplasia.
The 'ball' of the femur is removed surgically, which leads to the formation of a pseudo-joint (much like the shoulder, with no boney support). It removes the painful interaction of bone-on-bone, but requires immediate rehabilitation for the best outcome.
Anal Sacculectomy
Anal Sacculectomy
Chronic anal sac impaction, tumors, frequent anal sac abscesses, or the need for excessive expression can all be indications for removal of the anal sacs.
This area is sensitive in dogs and cats, so recovery can be demanding, but in cases where it is indicated, the results are wonderful!
Perineal Urethrostomy
Perineal Urethrostomy
On rare occasions, male cats with cystitis and urinary crystal formation do not respond to medical management.
They may be more prone to blockage. When a male cat blocks and is unable to urinate on his own more than twice in a short period of time, this procedure may be indicated to prevent further blockage.
In cases where a urinary stone cannot be removed from the urethra of a male dog, this procedure may be indicated.
An opening is formed in the wider portion of the urethra and urine is re-routed to the easier exit point.
Fracture Repairs
Fracture Repairs
Broken bones in pets often require internal fixation (plating), since casting and splinting are often ineffective.
Dr. Klone is now able to offer repair of simple fractures. Plates will be ordered for individual cases, so pets will likely be hospitalized for 3-4 days for repair. Pain control will be provided throughout hospitalization.